Texas Workforce Commission
State of Texas
Austin, Texas

TWC and its Workforce Solutions partners will maximize the power of innovation and partnerships to boost superior business outcomes and realize a competitive advantage for all Texans in the global economy.
As well to promote and support a workforce system that creates value and offers employers, individuals, and communities the opportunity to achieve and sustain economic prosperity.
I started working with TWC at the beginning of August of 2020 of the pandemic. I was hired as a Creative Media Designer and have worked on various projects for its employees within Document Services in the Business Operations Division.
In 2021 our team was moved to join forces with the Campaigns department and were renamed to "Campaigns and Creative Content" team also known as the C3 team for the Outreach Employment Initiatives Division.
In 2022 I was promoted to Campaign Coordinator II and started working more with campaign and marketing aspects of the C3 team.
In 2024 the C3 became a BIGGER family combining with the Communications team and becoming our own office, as of today we are now known as "Office of Communications & Media" creating and innovating with various Texas boards and Divisions for the Texas Workforce Commission.

The C3 Team with TWC!

We are requested these for more as handouts for vendors and other events that
TWC employers either host or attend.

All documentation that is requested by clients are usually made accessible for our disabled clients and are made downloadable from the state website for purposes in order to share or print themselves such as certificates, brochures and etc.
In order to make brochures accessible and read appropriate we put each layout onto a different art board so when saved as PDF it is in the correct reading order with their program such as JAWS
(Job Access With Speech).
(Job Access With Speech).

White Cane Day Promotions
I was given the opportunity to make the signage and t-shirts for the
20th anniversary of white cane day

We are requested to do flyers for fairs, other agencies and board postings.
We are usually requested to make english, spanish and vietnamese alternations for
common language barriers.

Clients request signage for their agencies all year around for various usage to events to basics.
It can ranges from conferences, parking, seminars, banners, web banners etc.

Annual Reports
All reports are done by a division and are then passed to us to design layout and make it more appealing along with making the report digital accessible for web posting and clients.
Each report runs about 20-100 pages depending on the client and are all done in indesign
with a saddle stitch or coil binding process for print production.
with a saddle stitch or coil binding process for print production.

TWC Annual Conferences
Our annual conferences are our main event of the year where we celebrate successes and learn more of our full agencies since Texas is so big we want to gather and learn as a whole for our understanding the workforce and its goals as a whole as Texas.

Web Banner and Live Photography of the 2022 Annual Conference

Printed Collateral and Sign Display for 2022 Annual Conference

Web Banner and Live Photography of the 2023 Annual Conference

Printed Collateral and Signage for 2023 Annual Conference

Signage for 2024 Annual Conference

Social Postings
This is pretty heavy requested from our office as we post to facebook, linkedin and other platforms for more employers and executives to attend wether that be online or in-person events. We want to spread the word for good outcomes and noticeability.

Logo Creations
This is requested from our office when new identities or rebranding are formed. We take pride in our creations and the new identities to pair them with the current brand along with supporting others.