Our Story: Spacer is a package network that capitalizes on minimizing the replacement of bubble wrap, foam, packing peanuts..ect. at a cheaper cost when packing toy collectibles in boxes but preserving that wonderful quality of your toy collectibles.
Mission Statement: At Spacer, we provide innovative and environmentally friendly packaging solutions made for collectible toy boxes to preserve your childhood!
USP: Spacer is the only innovative packing solution network that is easy-to-use, preserving more space in your storage box without the hassle of unfriendly recyclable products.
Tagline: Giving your box toy collection a whole new way of spacing.
Brand Voice: Spacer brand voice is reassuring, approachable, and child-like. Spacer wants the"kid at heart" to make sure they are heard. We understand your investments so lets protect it.
Audience: Spacer ideal audience is people between the ages of late 25-50. They are heavily invested into their collections of toy products and would love it if they could keep their collectibles in "Mint Condition" without the hassle of bad packing.

The logo is inspired by the concept product designed for this project and the styles of vintage toy packaging.

Color Palette
The color palette was solely picked on a vintage toy boxes of yellows, blues and reds.

The display type was Inspired by toys packaging for a playful and vintage look. While the secondary type was inspired by vintage, square, robotic and for readableness.


How it works!
The Spacer comes in three sizes; Small, Medium and Large!
Depending on the box depends on the size you will need.. larger boxes such as figurines and barbies will need the Large but smaller toys such as trinkets and over all stature will need a Small or a Medium.
You will first need your favorite toy that you have been collecting currently!
1. Apply the size spacer to all corners or opposite corners of the box!
Fun Fact: Barbie was born March 9th, 1954!

Warning: If proceeding with opposite corners their is risk of damage more than a four corner protection!
You might be wondering how this is going to protect your possession. It's simple, the compressed cotton is layered and fibered enough to absorb shock and keeps the possession in place if packed properly! We want you to have the best experience with our product so if it doesn't do its job report it to us!

2: Next you will need your packaging box or container that you are planning to store them during your departure!
Still worry about it wiggling around? You shouldn't! Our Spacer is 1/2 inch thick in cotton all the way around with our square design pattern so even if it does, it won't get far!
3. But what if you have more than one favorite toy collectible!? No problem, We got you covered!
We of course think outside the box or rather shall we say inside the box?
Fun Fact:
League of Legends is the 2nd Highest Paying Competitive eSport

With the design created you are able to layer your toy collection on top of one another within the container of choice without the worries of scratches, rips, tears, bending, creasing...etc. Our soft fluffy cotton corner spacer was made with the intentions to have you fall in love with it!

Here are some close up photos of the product with them in use with toy collectibles.
4. Then your finished, pack away until you can't pack them away no more!
Thank you Spacer!

Recent News
From an article on Robot Pajamas by Vincent has this to say..."I think the most obvious reason for my toy collecting habit is that the hobby brings me back to the good times of my youth. When you’re a child and you’re playing with toys there is nothing else like it. You’re innocent, you don’t have to pay any bills, no one has ever cheated on you and broke your heart, and you’ve never had your car stolen or anything terrible like that (hopefully). I think this is why I like keeping a lot of figures in the package, especially ones of the Star Wars variety. In a way, I’m preserving good memories from my youth that don’t exist in any tangible way."
Why do people find toy collecting so fulfilling?
People collect things because they felt an emotional connection to the subject matter. People also collect things for profit and for pleasure. Those who collect for profit are considered professional collectors. May it be a childhood memory from that specific item or if you just find it as a hobby of interest there was an investment made.
So how do we know which toys will be collectible?
We will never fully know for sure, people collect toys for a couple of different reasons, say the experts – as investments and because they like them. It's easy to browse the Internet and find toys that are currently collectible: antique toys, the aforementioned Star Wars-related items, early video game tie-ins. But predicting what will be the next big collectible toy is more difficult – and this is where the investment idea comes in.
Bottom Line
Collect what you love and gives you enjoyment – don't count on a big payday in the future from toy collecting. If something becomes collectible or valuable in the future, great. But predicting what will be the next hot toy is about as easy as predicting the next hot anything. Remember, no one thought Harry Potter – or even "Star Wars" – would amount to much in the beginning.
Why Spacer was made?

At Spacer, we wanted to provide a innovative & environmentally friendly packaging solution specifically made for collectible toys in boxes to preserve the quality when packing them for any reason. May it be moving, not enough room or just want to clean up a bit we want to make the hassle of putting them away a little more at ease because we know you love them and their an investment over all.
What is Spacer made of?

When discussing product of economic friendliness we as people have produced a lot of material that isn't Biodegradable, it can take years or decades for our environment to fully digest unfriendly material. Seeing how most toys are not economically friendly to begin with we at Spacer wanted to give back to the earth one step at a time.
(Biodegradation being is the breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi.)

So with the use of cotton and it being a natural product, cotton is completely biodegradable, which means that it breaks down when put into a composting pile or bin with the span of five to six months of decomposition. Because of cotton's biodegradable properties, all-cotton can also be recycled and used in the manufacture of useful materials.
Web Promotion
This will be shown on popular toy sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Toys R US and etc.. to promote and sell product for any toy collector that needs one!

Toy Con Promotion
I wanted this product to be shown through a toy convention stand point for the bright and more innovative products to be coming into seen, If you have a "Mint Condition Box" you're going to want one of these!

Counter Display
This will be displayed in common comic book shops or toy figuring retail stores to help promote and sell product as well for the avid collector.