Sixty Five Roses
f o u n d a t i o n
Art Direction & Branding

Our Story
The Sixty Five Roses is a nonprofit for a genetic disorder of cystic fibrosis that mostly affects the lungs. Showcasing this foundation is hoping to bring more awareness to this long term illness.
The Mission
Providing all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment, and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care.

Providing all people with the disease the opportunity.
Just Breathe
Brand Voice
The voice for this foundation is reliable, knowledgeable and ambitious. The community for this disease is nothing but informative and you will not meet a more fighting spirit than those that associate or have the illness.

The illness affects those of all ages from babies to elders. The only thing is that about this illness is that you have to be born with it. But for the foundation itself it supports those that have and those affected by it and we are here to support them along the way.
I decided for this nonprofit that it should be expressed through a type treatment of a serif that was professional but elegant for others to admire for the foundation.


Color Palette
The color palette was chosen based of the Cystic Fibrosis ribbon color purple with the secondary and thirdly colors of the lighter purple and pale yellow to compliment the original color.

The website was to bring a fresh new feeling to the site and invite people that are curious and want to get involved with the sixty-five roses foundation.

The application was to bring comfort to those with, experiencing, supporting or want to learn about the medical illness. Being someone that has personal illness can be challenging but being someone with CF and not being about to talk to someone else with it is harder. With bacterial growth and spreading people with CF are not allowed to come near each other otherwise it can spread to infection. Thats why this application was also created to get in touch with people like you.

Guerrilla Ad Campaign

The Sixty Five Roses Foundation is to bring awareness of the long term illness known as Cystic Fibrosis. This guerrilla campaign is to put a huge paper rose model in a public place...

Public people then grab petals off the rose display where the paper petals talk about what the mission is for the Foundation and for Cystic Fibrosis.

One side being the goal of the guerrilla campaign and what they are trying to achieve.

The other side to write a thoughtful paragraph for the donation and a short paragraph of someone facing Cystic Fibrosis so it can be a little more understandable/relatable.
The brochure is for new patients, parents or supporters that are learning about Cystic Fibrosis and how they can be advocating and to bring awareness to others.


Pulse Oximetry Skin Design
I wanted to create a skin for a pulse oximeter because when you have Cystic Fibrosis you constantly have to check your oxygen levels and you will usually find one of these around or near a CF person. I also feel this promotes the foundation in a Beneficial way.

The Pulse Oximetry is a test used to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of the blood. It is an easy, painless measure of how well oxygen is being sent to parts of your body furthest from your heart, such as the arms and legs.
Vest Design
With the Vest Design I wanted to keep the colors but make it supportive of the foundation with simple type on the outer fabric part of the vest for full support, when ordered from the site its proceeds will go to the Sixty Five Roses Foundation.

Vest Therapy (High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation) The “vest” is a machine that is made up of two parts: an air-pulse generator and an inflatable vest that wraps all they way around the chest. The air pulse generator creates rapid bursts of air that make the vest inflate and deflate against the chest wall.